Thursday, March 27, 2008


The kids I work with are on spring break and that makes things so much more hectic b/c we actually plan activities around them all day long. That means no computer time so I am getting way behind...not only with the blog but my every day job stuff too. Ugg!
I am going back and forth b/n doing great and not so great. I have been super snacky this week and I think it is partially due to stress b/c there is a lot of tension b/n co-workers and partially due to just being tired.
I need to stop it but have yet to force myself to. Hopefully I won't have killed the last couple weeks of progress...but getting my toes done on sat.-before wi. I am a chicken.
Hope you all are doing well.

1 comment:

Swizzlepop said...

One weekend will not undue all your hard work. Try not to stress, things will be back to normal soon.