Monday, May 12, 2008

Weekly Weigh In...

Weight change since your last recorded weight
-0 lbs
Total weight change to date
-19.4 lbs

GREAT JOB for logging your weight! We notice that you've gained a little this week. You should know that gaining weight every now and then is a natural part of the weight-loss journey. Here are our tips for getting back on track:

Ummm, can you explain how a ZERO loss is considered a gain? WWOL said it was. I think that is incorrect. I am on track. I logged everything this week and came out with some flex points left. I didn't eat as many veggies as I normally do this weekend tho so I think that is a big part of it. Also I didn't drink all my water yesterday and that usually plays a big part in it too. the end of a WEEK Tom finally there! All my excuses for not losing this week.
Why can I have awesome weeks and then weeks that get me nothing!

Grrr....oh well, I am in this to be healthy and losing weight is a bonus, right?

1 comment:

Swizzlepop said...

WWOL suck sometimes! You'd think they'd make the automated feedback thingie a little more people friendly. It should congratulate you on maintaining. It's those dumb little messages that make me want to punch the screen, you know?