Monday, April 28, 2008

Weekly Weigh In...

Weight change since your last recorded weight
-3.3 lbs
Total weight change to date
-19 lbs

I did get yelled at AGAIN for losing more than 2 lbs. I am not sweating it tho. The weather is good, the summer fruits are coming in and that is pretty much all I ate this weekend. Plus, it was just too hot so I didn't hit all my points. I am good with it.


Swizzlepop said...

Congrats on the great loss. Your leader needs to STFU and stop being a hater. You are kicking some serious arse and that is awesome. Too bad if you follow the program and lose more than most. Just remind them that "results not typical" applies to you too! :)

anna said...

great job! i am not a believer in the "rules" of weightloss and stuff. every BODY is different.

Unknown said...

Way to go on the loss - I'm with Swizz - you're leader is just jealous!!

I am loving the fruit thing too - been eating lots of apples and strawberries - yum!

Roni said...

You are doing AWESOME!!!