Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I've decided to do it.

Yep, no matter how much I say I hate it. No matter how much I "can't" do it. No matter how hard it is or how long it takes me. I am breaking down.

I am going to learn how to run.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....someone might hear me and hold me to it.

I decided that I really needed to find a way to step up the work out and increase my metabolism. I can't run. Really. Maybe 2 minutes it the longest I have ever lasted. And slow, well it is my middle name.
So today, after making this decision, I walked 15 minutes, ran 5, walked 15, ran 5 and walked 15 more. My face was BRIGHT red and I looked like a moron running about as fast as I walked, but hey, I did it.

Now, don't remind me of this post. Maybe if I pretend I didn't write it, I can act like I never had this thought...ha ha! We shall see. Wish me luck.


Christy said...

Good for you! Interval training like that is smart too. Incremental increases are the way to go. The first walk I took after surgery was only about a block and it was horrible. For a week I'd walk that block. Then the next week a few blocks. I didn't increase every time though. Now I'm up to 2.5 miles. It's nothing like I was before, but compared to where I started post-op, 2.5 miles is a miracle. I'll keep after you to keep after yourself. It only gets easier :-)

carla said...

oooh. I mightcould have a post like this in my drafts :) which Ill never post.


Amanda said...


WOW!! How awesome for you to make this huge step. You rock. :)