Monday, April 21, 2008

An Award, Alcohol and puke

I have to warn you, this is going to be a long post.

The California Commendation Medal is what I got this weekend. It was a nice thing to recieve and the adjutant general presented it. I also got a coin from a 2 star general and a couple other coins from the base commander and the command master sargeant. Confused some? Sorry, this is all military speak. Coins are kind of a big deal in the military and to get the ones that I got it is pretty tough. The medal is also something that a lot of military members don't have. My dh was really excited that I got all that.

Alcohol. Yep, drank some of that this weekend. And, considering how I felt, it amazes me I still walked away with about 15 of my flex points in tact. I knew I would be drinking so I kept my points low and then we all went to dinner. In fact, I had to take care of the drunk girls who were puking.

Then, when I got home I had to take care of puking 2 1/2 yr. old. Oh, yeah. Fun times. He got sick just as he woke up from his nap...about 20 minutes after I got home and he didn't stop puking until about 3 hours after that. He woke up 2 times last night and puked some more. All I can say is thank god I have a cast iron stomach. He seems to be doing better now so that is good.
Okay, so I did not actually exercise this weekend. At least, not in the formal sense. The hotel we were at was huge and there was a lot of running around between sessions. Also, when we went out on Saturday night we went to the promenade in Santa Monica. Remember those drunk people I told you about? Well, I had to chase them up and down the road for about 2 hours until we got them all back safely to the hotel. So, I did get in my share. If you saw my WWI post, you will see that I am down! Woot! I guess the planning worked.

Thanks for all the happy thoughts.
Whew, if you made it this far, you rock!


HappyBlogChick said...

Congrats on your awards!

It sounds like you really took good care of yourself during a weekend where it would have been very easy to lose your way. Good work!

Sorry you had to deal with so much puke, though. Ugh!

Amanda said...

Congrats on those awards!!! That's awesome!!

Sounds like you got in some activity even though you didn't formally "exercise" which is a good thing! Way to go!! Sorry about your DS though...yuck!! Glad you have a cast iron stomach...I couldn't handle all of that!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the award - that is awesome! I agree with the others, you are in a groove and doing great! You are obviously on plan and unstoppable! Keep it up!